Recruiting Results Track Record
For over 10 years we have had a track record of success in providing top performing engineers and technicians–consistently delivering high quality results very quickly.
- An OFS Recruiting Manager has hired 100 of our engineering and technician referrals each year for over 10 years
- Over 75% of engineering referrals who did an on-site interview during a year for an energy company received a job offer
- One Recruiting Manager in Houston (with 4-14 Recruiters) has met a third of hiring goals each of the past five years from our referrals
- We have a proprietary database of over 25,000 early and mid-career engineers and technicians
Why O&G Companies Choose Us
Companies partner with Nicholas Charles because they want to make their job easier in two ways.
First, we find the right talent the first time. Our firm has sourced countless positions in the industry so we know specifically what our clients are looking for. Additionally, we ensure a ‘Cultural Fit’ by listening to their focused and clear picture of the traits and personality an ideal hire will have and vet them accordingly. Simply stated, our knowledge and processes mean you get the talent you want, quicker, leaving you time to focus on other priorities.
Secondly, we merge our processes with yours. Whether it be completing background checks, driving record release forms, internal paperwork, or other administrative tasks, we integrate seamlessly with your department’s system resulting in a smooth hiring operation.
Achieve Your Hiring Goals
By focusing on specific candidates, Nicholas Charles can:
- Reduce turnover by finding the perfect people for the job
- Bridge the gap between your hiring goals and your existing supply of candidates in a competitive environment
- Quickly ramp up recruiting campaigns to get you the people you need, when you need them, at the quantities you need